Mr. Klass speaks to organizations across the New York Metro Area. If you would like Mr. Klass to speak to your organization about an area of practice mentioned on this website, please contact the office.
Richard Klass presents “RPAPL Section 993: Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act” for the General Practice Section and Committee on Professional Discipline CLE program
January 28, 2020
Richard A. Klass will be presenting a lecture on “RPAPL Section 993: Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act” for the General Practice Section and Committee on Professional Discipline CLE program in New York City.
The program will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm with registration beginning at 8:30 am This program will take place during the 143rd NYSBA Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Please feel free to tell your networks about this program.
In addition, Richard Klass has written a new book in his series “Your Court Street Lawyer’s Quick Reference Guide” on this subject: Hug of War Instead of Tug of War: RPAPL Section 993: Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act.

“Breaking Up is Hard to Do – Termination of the Attorney/Client Relationship: Prevention, Planning & Procedure.”
This Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) Program was presented at the Brooklyn Bar Association on October 20, 2015. The moderator was Daniel R. Antonelli, Esq. and the speakers were Richard A. Klass, Esq. and Kaylin L. Whittingham, Esq. There’s an article about the program, by Rob Abruzzese, in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

“The Dos and Don’ts of Finding and Hiring an Associate”
New York State Bar Association Law Practice Management and Continuing Legal Education Departments, June 11, 2015
Carolyn Richmond, Esq. (L) with Richard Klass, Esq. at June 2015 CLE “The Do’s and Don’ts of Finding and Hiring an Associate” at the New York State Bar Association.
Legal Issues Confronting Small Businesses
April 15, 2015, CLE
This Continuing Legal Education course presented an overview of the various legal issues confronting small businesses including: formation, business agreements, employee relations, collection/amounts receivable issues and IT/privacy matters. Moderator: Jeffrey Miller, Esq. Miller, Leiby & Associates, P.C. Faculty: Richard Klass, Esq. (Your Court Street Lawyer) and Gregory Lisi, Esq. (Forchelli, Curto, Deegan, Schwartz, Mineo & Terrana, LLP). Held at Trade Brooklyn at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott.
Past classes and presentations have included:
- Keeping Your Firm’s Finances
Instructor: Richard A. Klass, Esq. (CLE. BBA 4.8.14)
Course Materials:
Developing a Business Plan (download PDF)
Keeping Your Firm’s Finances (dnload PDF)
Selecting a Law Office (dnload PDF) - Moderator for “Social Media: Tips and Ethical Issues,” Trade Brooklyn, April 2014.
- Public forum speaker on “Consumer Debt and Bankruptcy,” Brooklyn Bar Association Foundation Law Program, March 2014.
- Lecturer on Attorney’s Liens, New York State Bar Association, November 2012.
- Lecturer on Scanning and Electronic Document Production: Technical and Ethical Concerns, Brooklyn Bar Association, December 2012.
- Judge of mock hearing on The Mechanics and Merits of Fee Dispute Arbitration, Brooklyn Bar Association, May 2013.
- Lecturer on An Analysis of Collection Ethics, Brooklyn Bar Association, December 2011.
- Lecturer on Ethical Issues in Debt Collection, National Business Institute, November 2011.
- Lecturer on Attorney’s Liens and Fee Arbitration, Joint Program of the Network of Bar Leaders, Asian American Bar Association of New York and the Metropolitan Black Bar Association, October 2011.
- Moderator for Dos and Don’ts in Landing a Law Firm Job, Brooklyn Bar Association, November 2010.
- Moderator for What Supreme Court Justices Want You to Know, St. Francis College, May 2010.
- Moderator for Foreclosure Update 2009, Volunteer Lawyers Project, September 2009.
- Instructor on A Lawyer’s Understanding of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Marino Institute for Continuing Legal Education, December 2009.
- Lecturer on The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, opens in a new windowNational Business Institute, November 2009.
- Public Foreclosure Program: Update 2009, September 22, 2009.
Moderator, speaker: Bankruptcy Issues in Foreclosure Proceedings. On behalf of The Brooklyn Bar Association, The Brooklyn Bar Association Foundation, Inc., The Brooklyn Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project, Inc., and the Brooklyn Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service. - Lecturer on Post-Judgment Collection: Getting Consumer Debtors to Pay, National Business Institute, April 2009.
- Lecturer on Analysis of the Exempt Income Protection Act, Kings County Housing Court Bar Association, February 2009.
- Moderator, Foreclosure Scams, Short-sales and Workouts, The Brooklyn Bar Association, November 2008.
- Foreclosures: Fraud/Scams, Nuts and Bolts, and Short-Sales, October 27, 2008.
Moderated by Richard A. Klass, Esq. on behalf of the Volunteer Lawyers Project at The Brooklyn Bar Association. - Collection Law Tips and Strategies, The National Business Institute, April 3, 2008.
- Panelist on The Civil Court Experience, at the New York City Debt Working Conference: A Blueprint for Reform, for The Feerick Center for Social Justice at Fordham Law School, June 2008.
- Lecturer on Skip Tracing, opens in a new windowNational Business Institute, May 2008, May 2007, May 2006, August 2005, June 2004 and April 2003.
- Trainer on debt collection issues for the opens in a new windowCivil Court of the City of New York Civil Legal Advice and Resource Office (CLARO), Civil Court, New York County, February 2007.
- Lecturer on Successful Judgment Collection in New York, opens in a new windowNational Business Institute, March 2004, March 2006 and May 2008.
- Lecturer on Money Matters, Harlem United Organization, June 2005.
- Lecturer on The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, opens in a new windowAssociation of Arbitrators for the Small Claims Part of the Civil Court of the City of New York, June 2005.
- Lecturer on Boost Your Bottom Line: Your Guide to Effective Debt Collection in New York, opens in a new windowNational Business Institute, March 2005.
- Lecturer on Negotiation and Settlement with Judgment Debtors, Brooklyn Bar Association, January 2005.
- Instructor on First Homebuyers Program at New York State Housing Trust Fund, ODA Community Development Corp., March 2002 and 2005.
- Guest instructor on Marketing for Lawyers, Fashion Institute of Technology, March 2004.
- Lecturer on Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Act, opens in a new windowNational Business Institute, December 2003.
- Lecturer on Debt Collection Tactics, Brooklyn Bar Association, June 2003.
- Lecturer on Winning Civil Court Motions, Brooklyn Bar Association, April 2002.
- Lecturer on What an attorney needs to know about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,Brooklyn Bar Association, June 2001.
- Lecturer on How to Do a Name Change, opens in a new windowCivil Court of the City Of New York, Kings County, June 2001.
- Lecturer on Keeping Your Firm’s Financial Books, opens in a new windowNew York County Lawyers Association, October 2000.
- Lecturer on Setting Up the Infrastructure of a Small Law Firm, New York County Lawyers Association, April 2000 (cited at New York Law Journal, April 17, 2000, Page 1).
- Instructor on What a Real Estate Broker needs to know about a Co-op Contract of Sale, opens in a new windowNew York Cooperator Show at The New York Hilton, February 2000.
- Lecturer on Collections and Enforcement of Money Judgments, New York County Lawyers Association, 1999.
- Moderator on How to handle a residential real estate closing, Brooklyn Bar Association, 1999.
- Lecturer on How to start your own law practice, Brooklyn Bar Association, 1997 and 1999.
- Commentator on Foreclosure Auction of O.J. Simpson’s Mansion, opens in a new windowFox News Channel, July 1997.
- Instructor on The Role of an Attorney in Starting Your Own Business, Council of Jewish Organizations, 1995 and 1996.