Entertaining stories about legal matters in a newsletter format. LawCURRENTS is our newsletter. All original articles written in plain-English by Richard Klass. Quarterly.
Richard Klass has written several books, including:
Surplus Moneys Proceedings in Foreclosure Actions under RPAPL Section 1361
Hug of War Instead of Tug of War: RPAPL Section 993: Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act.
I got “Bloomed”! (Don’t let your client say this about you.): Keeping Client Confidences and Loyalties after the attorney-client relationship has terminated.
A Man’s Home Is (Not Always) His Castle: RPAPL 881 License to Enter Neighbor’s Property
Killing the “Zombies”: Recent Changes to New York State’s Foreclosure Laws
Quick Reference Guide to Attorney’s Liens and Legal Fee Enforcement: What to do if your client stops paying you
Successfully Defending Your Credit Card Lawsuit: What to do if you are sued for a credit card debt
Retention and Withdrawal of Counsel: a guide for attorneys
Law Currents Blog
A plain-English blog with general interest articles, stories and case studies. Written for legal practitioners and non-lawyers alike.
The Legal Malpractice Blog, New York
A plain-English blog on the subject of legal malpractice. Relevant for legal practitioners and non-attorneys alike.
New York Mortgage Foreclosure Process Flow Chart
This useful and valuable flow chart, created especially for attorneys, clearly and concisely lays out New York’s mortgage foreclosure process.
1) Printer-friendly format on two 8.5″ x 11″ pages.
2) Full-size 11″ x 17″ poster format
We offer these video seminars. If you need a link, please email your request.
1) Brooklyn Bar Association Access to Justice Task Force, Webinar Series: Know Your Rights!: Foundations of Bankruptcy
2) A Lawyer’s Understanding of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
3) Keeping Your Firm’s Finances, with Richard A. Klass
4) When Great Clients Vanish (without paying their bills), with Richard A. Klass (free upon request)