16 Court Street, 28th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11241
(718) COURT • ST
(718) 643-6063
(718) 643-9788
Richard A. Klass, Esq.
richklass@courtstreetlaw.comcreate new email
Hillary F. Schultz
hschultz@courtstreetlaw.comcreate new email
Eucline Spencer
Collections Manager
euclinespencer@courtstreetlaw.comcreate new email
Please note that by emailing our office and/or sending documents to us, an attorney-client representation is not created. Do not provide any confidential information related to your matter. There can be no expectation of confidentiality. Your communication with our office will not prevent our law firm from representing adverse parties in a related matter. We will review the information provided and respond, if appropriate. If we do not respond within seven days, the matter should be considered declined, and you should seek another attorney or law firm as soon as possible.
If you, your business, or anyone in your family requires assistance, call today for a consultation. The Law Office of Richard A. Klass, Esq. is conveniently located on Court Street, in downtown Brooklyn, just steps from the court houses and opens in a new windowBrooklyn Borough Hall.
Richard A. Klass’ firm provides high-quality, cost-effective legal services and works with individuals, families, entrepreneurs, businesses and non-profits that require representation in New York. His office’s experience spans decades and includes over 12 distinct areas of practice. Whether you are located in New York, in another state, or in a foreign country, the Law Office of Richard A. Klass is well-positioned to protect and defend your interests in New York.
Call (718) 643-6063 or (718) COURT-ST to schedule an appointment.
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